Youth 09 was on 9 January till 11 January at PWTC. Did u go?

Sorry to say, a bit dissapointed to the event because we thought it was a really BIG event..I meant BIG. Can u imagine, i am able to finish the Hall for half an hour. Hurm..maybe because i'm not into the event that they organised. BUT..
There is a but, most of people went there really excited for the gig for the closure that happened on the last day. I did take some pic, and i did enjoy my self, it is just did not expect to be very short time in PWTC. I came very far from shah alam, but juz a while in that place..membazir betul..huhu..
On the 10 Jan 09..
1. The Rakan Muda Exhibtion. Got Snake showing it self, battle of scorpion...
2. Lots of pictures.....
3. Auto show..the only car that attracts us..
11 Jan 09..
1. The Gig..- Yunalis....Bunkface...

- Take pic with Bunkface vocalis
- Get a airbrush tattoo
ko dpt ambik gamba ngn sam bunkfaceeeee????jeles ehhhhhhhh!!:P
ReplyDeletehehe..sempat kejar nya eh..ada gik benda len bole d mbak bcta..lak ym..hehe..