Date : 14 May 2009
Venue: Block B, Gallery, FSPU
Time: 8:30 a.m.
14th May???not 15 May...
The story goes.......
Majority of Part 6B has knowledge that we need to present on 15th May..huhu..Where got time, we only have 2 days to prepare after viva..huhu..Pity to Adib (who settled the board) needs to push harder on th 13th May..hurmm..This is because, me beloved design lecturers insisted us to present at the gallery..unfortunately the gallery is booked by interior design students, thus we need to present on separated day with 6A..Thats mean 6A on 15th May..huhu..
On 14th May 2009....
All board has been displayed at the gallery, (before the presentation started)..

This is our board..The Recommendation proposal of Conservation and Preservation at Jalan Maharani, Muar.
Presentation went very well..=)..
But ID lecturers complaint that we were very noisy..huhu..Sorry then...
Consequences- 6A did not do their presentation at Gallery..because -lecturer takut nanti malu..huhu..
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