11 May 2009..viva presentation for our thesis.

When my turn has come, with all my guts i entered the rooms with my right legs and giving salam for the panel, gave all the things they want..then the presentation start with..
Me: Assalamualaikum.......my name........and my research topic.....
The Panel: Go direct to your problem statement.........
and so on....clearly my panel love to ask about our problem statement..syukur, i can answered them..huhu..
Atlast, end of viva...huhu..amendment needed...hurmm...another presentation..tomorrow...
Consist of 20 Marks from 100. Why is it so important?
For us, it is the final step either your research can pass and to indicate your grade..huhu..
On that day, most of us were really nervous. Never felt like that before for a long time. But this time, a good defence a requirement u must have..
- Panel will try to ask a killer questions..huhu..so, your research paper should be done by your self and you should go to site. Experience helps alot..
- Then, if you distribute questionnaire, they will check that is it your questionnaire is answered by respondent.
The viva list has been announce on 7 May 2009 - the day after our last paper. That day was the day we gathered with our beloved lecturers.
On the day of viva, we need to prepare our thesis report, handout of slide, and the 'evidence', and powerpoint slide.
Wear nicely and beautifully..hehe..important..
My turn was the third one, in the afternoon, in Panel B room.
The Panels are - one of them our lecturers and 2 from Seri Iskandar's lecturers
When my turn has come, with all my guts i entered the rooms with my right legs and giving salam for the panel, gave all the things they want..then the presentation start with..
Me: Assalamualaikum.......my name........and my research topic.....
The Panel: Go direct to your problem statement.........
and so on....clearly my panel love to ask about our problem statement..syukur, i can answered them..huhu..
Atlast, end of viva...huhu..amendment needed...hurmm...another presentation..tomorrow...
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