Afternoon.. Yesterday, I went for interview at time square..(naik bas because xtahu jln kalo drive).. The memory the bus from shah alam (U80), there are 3 girls(i think one of it girl or may be boy)hurm..if boy then it is 2 girls and 1 boy..okay..hehe.. The link is, 3 of them is 'special' people (org khas-pekak n bisu). When I'm in secondary school, we shared with this special people. We did not study in the same class, but most of us realise their existence in that school. There, they been called as 'Pelajar Khas'. I was really amazed with some teachers that have been asigned to teach them. Some of the teachers really know how to use sign language. FYI, i did learn how to use sign language, but forget already (juz know how to show thank u sign)..hehehe. The sweet memory is..there was a cute 'special' guy. He is quite cheeky and friendly. Why I say he is cheeky, he knows a lot of beautifal lad in my school. If u read through my blog, I didnt mean anyt...
Still enjoying my life- a wife to A.K a mom to A.S a daughter to M+N