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Needs to learn Tamil..

I'm just coming back from i'm working as receptionist at Subang. I'm not ashamed of admit it because better than u or someone loitering outside there wasting money..hehe..

What so special about today that i cant wait till tonite rite??
I'm just relaxing..hehe..a lot of new things a gain today..i work for indian company..the things i didnt expected that..some of them speak resume didnt state i know how to speak tamil..huhu..what i can do just said that 'hold on please..i pass to u to someone else'..huhu..i get 2 calls from caller speak tamil to me..huhu..

Then, today..very relaxing-----means boring..the chinese accountant that a bit (maybe) busy body is sick..and she take MC was nobody give me work today..just answering call (still fail in transfering)huhu...the three of us just doing nothing..hahaha..not for the whole day lah..hehehe.. u all agree that even one of your collegue is absent event she or he that the one u hate or the one always make the situations very lively..your office will lost the spark..huhu..

Another thing was, the 2 kakak were very angry to that chinese lady because she punch their card...hurm..does this allowed..this happened infront of me..
Why she did that??
that 2 kakak went back early because they want to go 'somewhere'..but datin already know and ask them no need to punch their card..hurm...u judge kay whether she have the rite or not..for me..i'm not the manager, i'm not the one who pay them, furthermore they are very nice to me..

okay..7.00 p.m already..enough for today..bye


  1. suda tukarka? hehe
    xjadi keje clerk k?
    min ad kawan india. nak no fon k? wakakakaka

  2. byk ke jwb telefon jer..huhu..
    lisa tw..mesti yg setadi kat MMU tue kan?

  3. Lovely post...The Tamil alphabet was originally written on palm leaves. As a result, the letters are made up mainly of curved strokes which didn't rip the leaves.

  4. Such a wonderful post about learn tamil language.This article establishing the importance of tamil language.


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