The Burger Shop
I think most of the peeps out there already heard bout this burger stall.. I know bout this when I watch best in da world.. N I have been there a few times and now only i have te chance to post it to my bloggggg.. Ngeeeer..
If u want to find this stall... It is only beside the market.. And u will find a yellow van park there, they closed on Sunday, dun dream to go there on that day. Mushroom burger the best!!!
Frankly speaking, im not to fond of their burger rather than burger seksen 8 i used to buy ( i always order beef cheese) and i dun like theirs..

Pita Burger Beef
Yesterday..... I dcide i dun want to order my usually menu..and i go for mushroom beef burger..masyaAllah.. NICE.. And their pita burger also great.. Hohoho..yesterday i order another pita (lamb pita) after i taste my bf pita..huhuhu..cholestrol taken over me and my head spinningggggggg.. Hahahahaha..pdn muka sbb nafsuuuuu menguasai diri...

Mushroom burger Beef
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