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bridal bliss program: beautify before the day

Salam readers,

as the topic mentioned, its about bridal bliss program before the day! I bought this package from Tanamera. They have few branch you can approach, I choose to do it at Shah Alam only -- Concorde Hotel. 

before you girls decide which spa you want to do, of course u girls googling it like i do before. Just google the words Bridal Bliss + location u want to do. DONE!.. I did find a few though and I found that Tanamera program affordable and they have 4weeks program for only 900 nett (no tax!). 

so, I bought the package after raya this year (2012), and the staff advised to come 4 weeks before the date (I came 5 weeks before)..hehehehe.. U can refer below their program, to know more u can visit their website. 

I think u all wants to know the service rate aite?..overall is very good, satisfied!
At the end of this program, the staff give me 2 brown formulation soap, she said that if applies to uneven skin tone, it can help to remove the uneven skin tone. I will try this, and will update later if I remember. I did noticed that there are changes to my skin (positive) after 2 weeks of the bridal progam, I would like to try their product, but they are no review for their beauty product, only review on post natal product only.

based on the web site:
  • Gently removes dead skin cells and stimulates blood circulation.
  • Improves overall skin condition.
  • Effective in relieving skin rashes and minor skin conditions

The Bridal Program:

  • Week 1Duration: 2hrs 30minsHimalaya Foot Spa
    Hair Works
    Choice of Face Works
  • Week 2Duration: 2hrsTropical Lulur Scrub
    Banana Smoothie Body Mask
    Mandi Bunga
    Choice of Face Works
  • Week 3Duration: 2hrs 30minsCocos Foot Spa
    Hair Works
    Choice of Face Works
  • Week 4Duration: 2hrsDesiccated Coconut Body Polish
    Coconut Milk Body Mask
    Coconut Milk Bath
    Choice of Face Works


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