As usual lor, I suka post benda2 yg dah lepas. It is hard to getting started (this what I get from Zen Habits where people hard to start a thing, when they start, the hard to stop! yeeehaaa)
Actually, I tak nak buat pre wed, macam membazir plak kan. lagipun nanti lepas majlis kawen there will be another photoshoot and with ur wedding dress and make up some more. Kalau amik pre wedding, kena make sendiri or u need to go to make up artist.
Why suddenly I buat pre wedding photoshoot?.
My reception was really a simple reception. People came to eat, and balik. Due to cost, decorations were less.To differentiate post wedding nye photoshoot dgn pre wedding. I decide nak buat potrait. Macam kite nak amik gmbr pasport tu..tapi with feel.. I got this idea when I watch movie 'Closer' (Jude Law and Julia Robert). Ada one scene that Julia Robert took potrait picture of Jude Law, and I would like a picture like that too! Sadly that when I google through, there are no picture of what I have mentioned so, if u have time, please watch the movie kay! Another inspiration is fasha sandha pre wed, I pun suka her idea. tapi xleh r amik gambar cam die. Furthermore, I like how she or her planner hias masa akad nikah dia.
Contoh sahaja / Example only, potrait yg ada feel. |
Contoh sahaja/example only: Fasha sandha pre wed. |
Mine Potrait by Aivy Yong |
My Husband Potrait by Aivy Yong
Aivy Yong - my photographer for my pre wed. I noticed quite hard to find one in Malaysia, kalau ada pun maybe the price is beyond my budget. Kata pre wed jer, buat pe i nak propa sgt kan. Simple sudah, nanti sama plak dgn post wed. Aivy pun ada buat make up jugak. Of course the price differ. If you all interested with her work you can just drop her an email for quotation.
If u all tgk contoh yg pertama x sama dgn hasil yg kteorg dpt, kteorg guna natural lighting, not studio lighting. Of course end product is not the same.
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