End of January 2015, our place has 1 month operated. I want to say it was quite a productive and successful operation. Even though there were lack of equipment and everything. The kids were really happy.
It was quite a sad moment where one of our cute toddler has check out from school because of one of our ex staff. I hope she will come back to us again. We will be very delight to accept her as she was so easy to take care.
On a very first week of the operation, what do you expect of kids behaviour who have stay so long in their house, and now they has started to leave home as early as maybe 3 months or maybe 2 years old and so on to attend themselves our house. Yes, we call it is our house as they are still young, they still need love. So let it be.
Kids were screaming and crying. If the kids were exposed earlier on leaving home (means the parents has send them to daycare at earlier age), the kids will have no problem to settle down. But we proudly to say that there is one kid was having attachment issues for one week. After we discovered what is the problem, and you know what, he is the most 'active' in the class. Yes it is true that kids will getting angry at some point to what they want and don't want. I have been applied this to my AS.
Earlier we decided to make class at the living room as we had decorated it with some teaching aids. But the kids having trouble to focus on the teacher while the toys only beside them. Thus we have put them in our soon will filled with colourful material of teaching aids. Yes, it worked, they can focus more even they still running in the class. But now they already able to listen even for a short time. We will see their progress.
Problems? Should I say problem or what should I change the words to be more positive. Hurm. Maybe I should say that some of them have not achieved their development yet. Dear parents, it is really important to check your kids development based on their birth date and month. Because you cannot expect you kids can speak really well if your kids born on end of the year, means your kid still at the age of 2 and not 3. Give your kids sometimes.
What I can say was, you can see from how they spoke, how they socialize, how they interact. One or two still cannot speak properly, and still behave like a baby. Well, need to check their birthday then, so we give them sometimes. When I went for training, the trainer has point out an issue that kids who lack of motor skills due to exposure of tablets or ipad. These kids you can see them afraid of touching sands, rocks. They will have difficulty on holding pencil. The remedy which I will implement are play with dough and scoop something. I will tell you the results.
That all for today!
Thank you!
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