Sofea Pose |
16 Mei 2018, tarikh sambutan Hari Guru. Beberapa hari selepas pilihan raya, saya dapat text drpd what apps group sekolah kakak, bagitahu ada Teacher's Day celebration, macam biasa akan ada potluck. Tapi kali ini tema dia lain macam sikit. Tema dia, secara ringkas la, Cita-cita/Ambition/ Occupation/ Dreams.
Sebelum, saya cerita how me and hub hunting for her dress, saya nak cerita what I prepare for my daughter potluck. Apabila principal suruh parents list down their potluck, otak saya dh fikir nak beli kek jer. Common kan when it comes for teacher's day, u beli kek. Daripada zaman dulu lagi, saya memang volunteer pergi beli kek or sumbang kek untuk this celebration.
The list goes on - air kotak, kek, sandwhich, buah and goes on. Of course junk food not allowed. Most of it heavy food, dear parents, budak tak makan byk pun. Jadi, when one or 2 parents dh suggest heavy food, we should not propose more heavy food. Nanti membazir. Paling-paling, teacher simpan utk budak-budak yg stay for daycare. Fruits are actually good idea, tapi of course dah 2 3 org dah suggest. Last year, saya buat agar agar (Koniyaku) sebab student tak ramai. This year, tak dapat sebab acuan pun tak banyak. So u can imagine, how long it would be. I told hub, I will gave them Keropok Ikan. Senang. Furthermore, MIL selalu bagi keropok kering and kadang-kadang tak tergoreng pun. Lagipun, keropok goreng yang MIL selalu bagi memang puas hati makan. My kids love it and people will get addicted to the taste of the fish (itupun kalau keropok kering yang u beli mmg byk ikan!).
Done for the potluck. Hunting for her costume. Google: Costume Party for kids KL. Result - Spotlight. Pergi Spotlight Ikano Damansara. Banyak untuk adults, for kids (memang tak da size Sofea) and mostly untuk princess theme. Pergi Balloon Party pun takde. Lupa nak cakap, kakak cakap nak jadi Doktor. Actually senang, u just find small size lab coat, put play stestoskop. Done.
Problem is, mana nak cari mini lab coat. hahahaha..biasa la nampak kt kidzania. Jual kat mana? One more day left to look for her costume. Gigih kan carik? Why not? atleast she can see that her parents do things with passion and we support her. Our plan B was, kalau kita tak jumpa baju doktor dia, kita nak buat dia jadi macam painter/artis. Itu is last resort. Kebetulan saya nak cuba satu spa nie kat Atria Gallery, sebab ada free promo for Mother's Day. Kita masuk Hamley Atria takde, (Hamley the curve pun masuk takde, Toy r us Ikano pun takde). Hub nampak Mothercare, dia ajak pergi tengok kat sana. Why not? Just try. Guess what, ada beb! so many of them. So, u just scroll down and see ya.
Takde baju doctor, tapi ada baju vet. Dia cakap nak jadi Doktor Haiwan. Hehe..okayla mak layan jer.
Harga? Baju Sofea nie dalam RM70 sebelum diskaun. Yang dlm packaging cantek sikit dlm RM125,
Yup, memang mahal. Tapi why not for her future dreams?
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