It is been awhile. Sy tak menulis dalam nie, penuh banyak cuti, kerja, anak perlu perhatian, checklist kena buat so on till writing is no longer is my priority and my goal anymore. But hey, I might just write some notes here about this book I read.
Short introduction why I read this book and why I stumbled upon this book.
Sy tak ingat rancangan apa kat TV3, I still remember yg rekomen buku ini ialah Ally Iskandar. Since I love so much to learn about productive living, and buku ni mengaitkan dgn AL Quran. Luckily that my sister bought this and I somehow borrowed from her and this is my second time read this.
Some info in this book keep running in my mind, that I believed there are some other information is very useful for me to use. So now, I reread it again and make some notes here.
Sekali lagi, saya nak ingatkan the day I write this, I still in the process completing it.
Notes begin:
Kejayaan seseorang sebenarnya bukan diukur dgn hasil seseorang itu. Kerana setiap orang hasilnya berbeza dan its quite subjective. Jadi, kejayaan ialah usaha seseorang itu untuk mencapai hasilnya.
Walaupun rezeki dan ketentuan datang drpd Sang Pencipta: Allah SWT, kita wajib berusaha utk mencapai hasil yg diingini kerana setelag kita mendapat hasil/sasaran/matlamat. Itu merupakan ujian kita.
Adakah kita akan?
? berkata: ini berkat atas usaha ku sendiri tanpa pertolongan orang lain (Qarun)
? berkata: ini adalah kurniaan Allah swt semata-mata mengujiku. (Nabi Sulaiman)
Pendapat Lisa mengapa dikatakan hasil tersebut ialah UJIAN?
SEBAB adakah hasil tersebut membawa kebaikan atau keburukan, syurga atau neraka?
U target for earning 1million dollar per year. Congratz u get it. Itu hasil u. How will u spend the money with?
- bercuti?
- sedekah?
- invesment?
- zakat?
- and bla bla bla....
now that I understand mengapa penulis itu kaitkan kan dengan surah Al- Mukminum (23:1-9) sebab dlm 1 ayat ada menyatakan perihal zakat.
So u make a choice, macam ujian kat sekolah, every choice that u made will determine right or wrong. Macam tu jugak in real life, your choice determine your outcome. Jelas ke?
But remember, life have multiple choice
- u can go for travel: either u nak guna buat umrah or sightseeing. Tak salah sightseeing, u bole tgk keindahan ciptaan Allah swt. TAPI, if u go sighseeing, aktiviti sampingan u - berjudi, berjoli and so on.
- u can sedekah ur money: Niat sedekah kena jaga
- investment: do u invest comply shariah or conventional? Business investment macam share partner, does your partner doing comply shariah business?
- zakat: adakah anda telah zakatkan pendapatan anda?
Then u must think what is the impact of your akhirat?
Life is just not stop until there. Maybe it will stop when ur heart beat stop. But is it enough to fill your deeds?
Please bear in mind that this book is about how to become UMAT YG TERBAIK. Feels free to buy or read this book for your own collection and reading.
InsyaAllah if something inspired me from this book, I will keep on posting.
Thank u
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