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Showing posts from January, 2020

My Down Time 2.0

Few weeks ago, I was being temporary transferred to other site located in KL. That particular site is one of the most challenging site because of the client is quite demanding.  Most of my friends and colleague were really unsupported about it including my partner. They were really shocked and not happy for it. They started to give negative comments on the situation and it has worsened my mood which I was not in  a good state of mind. The instruction from the head is clear - I must go there next week (short notice). Let me explain on my position in my company, I am not attached to any site with client at that time. Management has agreed to release me from my previous site that time and has appointed my other colleague to supervise my previous site. So I will be focusing on 'company' property rather than client property.  My new manager that time informed me that they will release me once they get new staff. They have managed to hire a new staff which he is se...

My Father Birthday 17012020

Hari jadi ayah aku jatuh pada Jumaat lepas.  Kebiasaannya, aku tak wish ayah aku. Mungkin disebabkan cara kami dibesarkan, aku dan kakak kakak aku ada masalah nak mengeluarkan ayat ucapan kepada dia. We are not used to. Tapi kami dibesarkan dengan menunjukkan dengan perbuatan kami. Sayangnya aku di Semenanjung dan ayahku di Kuching. Jadi, write up ini aku tulis khas untuk dia.  Apabila aku semakin membesar, topik perbualan dgn ayah tak banyak dan tak sependapat. Sebab pemikiran dan pergaulan dah tak sama. Dan kadang-kadang timbul rasa hati, ayah dah out dated. Tapi aku lupa, aku yang hari ini dibentuk oleh dia. Aku boleh berdikari. Disebabkan dia selalu biarkan kami uruskan sendiri urusan kami. Aku suka travel. Sebab dia selalu bawak jalan-jalan setahun sekali. Aku boleh travel tanpa guna tour guide or tempah khas van persiaran. Sebab dia nak jimat kos, kami pernah jalan kaki di KL dari 1 tempat ke 1 tempat. Jadi, kadang-kadang aku nak jimat ko...

Opening of 2020

Welcome 2020 I've made it! Alhamdulillah For opening write up for this year, I would like to write about Niat (Intention).  Why intention is important to our life? I want to start with by telling you about what I have received from Productive Muslim: Barakah Manifesto. When I read through this manifesto, I liked it very much, it kind of remind me to keep on correct my niat if something goes wrong. Source from Productive Muslim For better understanding, let me share you a few situation I had experienced. Situation 1 : When I want to post something in my social media or writing in my blog, I hope that I will get a lot of likes or my blog will become a hit. Actually, the intention is wrong.  Why I said so? When you have that kind of intention in mind, you might astray from your initial intention. You will noticed there are changes in your posting.  But, When your niat is because of Allah swt, you will consider again what type of content...