Sekarang ni ialah Phase 3 PKP. I believe we have been trying to make ourselves occupied.
Macam aku, kemas rumah pun dah, cuci benda yang patut dicuci pun dah. Tahu tahu jer, next week nak puasa dah.
One of the thing that I have been doing is playing game on the phone. Aku tak main mobile legend and the geng sebab I believe those game will make me addicted. Bukan tu jer, I am not quite good playing such game.
Aku nie jenis easily addicted. Actually, I have been downloaded a few games and uninstalled few of them. Sebab I do not want to play a game which u need to come back later to check your harvest. Kalau kau pernah main smurf, you should know better than me.
Let me start to share what game did I downloaded:
1. Merge Dragon
Game ni aku download before PKP, seronok jugak main game ni, sebab u collect and merge things inside the game. Game nie jadi addictive sebab kau kena collect barang and every level akan ada macam macam barang and each barang u merge akan jadi benda lain.
Contoh: merge 3 biji benih, jadi daun - merge 3 daun jadi bunga, merge 3 bunga jadi pokok and merge lagi 3 pokok jadi pokok lagi besar.
Bukan setakat daun je kau merge, kau kena merge dragon, duit, bushes and so on.
Dia jadi tak bosan sebab dia ada challenge for you to solve.
I stop playing this game sebab I am not sure how long and not sure what will I get.
2. Klondike Adventures
Game nie, 2 kali aku download. First time macam hang, aku langsung tak leh masuk. So aku uninstall. Second time aku cuba lagi, and aku berjaya masuk dan main.
Game nie ada challenge dia, and ada checklist u kena buat. Kalau kau sejenis main game harvesting, ko akan tahu main game nie.
Sebab apa? Sebab ko kena prepare supply and pada masa yg sama ko kena settlekan challenge dia.
Contoh: Ko kena tanam jagung and gandum, ko kena bela ayam untuk telur dan lembu untuk susu. Ko kena penuhkan order orang then jual untuk dapat duit. Challenge ko pulak, apabila ko nak buat reban ayam, ko kena ada kayu. Kau perlukan kayu, ko kena ada mesin buat kayu. Ada certain benda, ko just kena beli mesin jer and collect raw material untuk hasilkan benda tu. One point aku start checking on my harvest because aku nak settlekan order order orang. I told myself, I need to stop or I will not do other things. Then aku uninstall game nie.
3. Nanogram
Game nie, category macam sudoku. Addictive sebab dia ada goal yang kau perlu achieve. Addictive level, aku boleh control lagi and sampai one point tu, aku tak main dah nanogram nie. So aku uninstall sebab nak reduce space dalam phone.
4. The Sims
Tetiba aku rasa nak main the sims. Tak sampai satu hari, aku uninstall, sebab game nie mesti akan buat addictive macam klondike. Lagipun aku pernah main PC version, so The sims akan jadi sangkut2 sebab phone aku jenis beshe beshe jer. Lepas tu, ko kena keep on coming back sebab sims ko nak berak lah, nak bagi makan lah. kena keje lah and so on. Kalau aku tak ada anak and bujang lagi, takda masalah aku nak melayan, sat g anak aku terabai. Hahahah
5. Homescape
Game nie, aku baru install few days before. Actually, game dia macam candy crush. What makes it different from candy crush, dia ada goal u need to achieve. U need to play matching game untuk dapat 'token'. Token tu yang akan membenarkan kau achieve goal kau.
Dia ada mini game jugak. Mini game dia pun sangat interesting sebab u need to solve a simple puzzle. Apa yang buat kau stuck is, of course u need 'life' to play the matching game.
It is very interesting game sebab dia ada story line, and of course being a lady, u boleh main design rumah by completing the matching game. So, the goal yg aku refer to is design rumah lah. Addictive level, setakat ni boleh control sebab level getting harder, and life aku kena guna. Habis je life aku stop and bila aku ada masa, aku main sampai life habis.
6. Hidden Hotel: Miami Mystery
Game nie macam baru lagi sebab tak ada orang rate. Game lain aku download pun sebab orang bagi rating and good review about the game. Game nie pun menarik if kau jenis suka carik barang. Game nie macam Homescape, ada storyline. Tapi dia bukan matching game tapi searching game. Game nampak bodoh sebab ko carik barang je pun. Storyline dia yang buat kau keep on going. Aku nak tahu apa jadi dgn Hotel nie sampai jadi abandon. Player yang akan tolong untuk revive balik Hotel ini untuk operating balik.
U need token jugak to complete your goal. Token tu ko dapat through playing searching game. Each game u played ko akan dapat heart which is ko kena full kan heart tu by finding as fast as u could. Sometime each game, aku dapat half or quarter full. Apa yang buat ko stuck, u need energy. Each room and game ko kena guna energy and ada limited time. So, addictive level boleh control sebab aku tunggu energy aku ada balik
Jujur aku cakap, aku main searching game nie since kids, macam-macam storyline aku main and till extend aku berjaya tahu ending game tu. Tapi through searching game nie aku kenal banyak barang. Aku ingat lagi, aku kena google or bukak dictionary sebab aku tak tahu apa barang tu. It is another way to expand your vocabulary.
Maybe some of u said, energy/life boleh beli, lagilah tak leh nak control. If kau jenis cheapskate, there is no need for you to spend those money. Its a good way to control urself to 'replay' or 'play again'. Itu jer tips aku kalau kau tak nak ketagih main certain game. Thats all for today.
Thank u
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