I know its too late. But I just want to put it here and a record for me on how we (Malaysian) celebrated festival during Covid-19 (2020).
This year Raya was during PKPB which Malaysian is not allowed to pray Sunat Raya at mosque, interstate travel is not allowed and there are sets of SOP you need to follow for Ziarah.
There are 2 big celebration for me as a muslim and a mixed (Malay + Bidayuh) which are Hari Raya and Gawai. Both of the celebrations were a week gap, and it was my turn this year (balik kampung on my side). Due to PKPB, me and my hub stuck in the middle and we celebrate Raya in Lembah Klang.
It was not a lonely celebration for us because my MIL is here and my hub have few relatives staying in Klang Valley. So we decided to celebrate and gather with them.
For second picture, it was taken last year. Raya last year was fell on few days after Gawai. I guessed my sis and my cousins decided to organised BBQ at my uncle house and I got the opportunity to went back few weeks after Raya to join them.
2020 is a year of full of surprise, even the celebration is not the same as previous year. We have been forced naturally to change and to accept to things that we usually refused to do. It proves that we can break the barrier and mindset. Be safe and take care.
Selamat Hari Raya and Selamat Hari Gawai
Thank you
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